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Free speech in the post-truth era

By Dr Robert Simpson, Associate Professor, Dept of Philosophy, UCL This guest blog is a response to the findings of Demos’ open survey on people’s...


Are we there yet?

The Conservative Party has come a long way  in its relationship with issues of race and identity – both in terms of internal attitudes, approach and policy....


Sir Geoff Mulgan

Sir Geoff Mulgan CBE is Professor of Collective Intelligence, Public Policy and Social Innovation at University College London (UCL), starting in February 2020.  Prior to...


Family Matters

Welfare reform dominated the Chancellor’s Summer Budget, and one of the most significant areas pinpointed for an overhaul is Child Tax Credit payments. As well...


Unlocking the Market

This project explores the options available to encourage greater demand for and supply of retirement housing, including care villages and extra care housing. This project...


London’s Calling

The impact of global economic changes has been to boost the premium attached to high skills. As the UK’s most globalised city, London has been...


What makes a ‘good job’?

What makes a job ‘good’? In the midst of a jobs-rich recovery, in a relatively flexible labour market, attention inevitably shifts to the quality of...


Immigration on Twitter

Over the last fifteen years, immigration has become an increasingly important political issue in the United Kingdom – with growing concern among the settled population...