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In defence of politics

It is still too early to draw any significant conclusions from the terrible, sickening murder of Jo Cox MP on Thursday of last week. It...


The Good Web Network Launch

Join us on Thursday October 27th at Demos’ offices on Whitehall as we launch the Good Web Network. We’ll be hosting a panel discussion and drinks...


Rate of Return

Today Demos launches a new paper looking at the depreciation of the pound following Brexit.  The consensus view is that this post-Brexit flash crash has...


Online Support

The last 10 years have witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of people going online to seek out information and advice, to research health...


Safe and Secure?

Those aged 18-30, already facing financial challenges, have been disproportionately impacted by the pandemic. Demos, with support from Yorkshire Building Society, is conducting research to...


A Glass Half Full?

We are used to media panics about alcohol and the social problems it causes. And indeed, very real problems remain for the UK’s relationship with...