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Signal and Noise

British society and its politics are increasingly influenced by social media – which presents both democratic opportunities and also practical challenges for MPs. If they...


The Good Credit Index

A groundbreaking report from Demos has for the first time mapped the UK’s credit environment, and has found 29 ‘credit deserts’, where people struggle to...


Annabel QA

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. At repellat nulla nam quas veniam 33 accusantium quos et omnis omnis ab dignissimos quaerat 33 rerum odio. Aut odio...



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Mattis massa tellus et pulvinar sed euismod ultrices penatibus mattis.


Post Pandemic Places

The pandemic has placed ‘local’ in the spotlight. As our horizons have narrowed, we have a greater awareness, and in many cases, appreciation of our...


Governance by Dashboard

Data dashboards – interfaces which display complex data to a user, often displayed in real time, and typically drawn from multiple sources – are an...


Demos Daily: Suspicious Minds

The public conversation around the source of Covid-19 has been laced with worrying undertones. Almost as soon as the global scale of the pandemic became...