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An Open Conversation on Esol

In light of substantial cuts to Esol funding over the last five years, David Cameron’s commitment yesterday to providing an additional £20 million fund for...


Gambling and Social Media

Over the last decade, where and how we live our lives has profoundly changed. The rise of social media has changed what information we encounter,...


Debating the debates

The Prime Minister’s refusal to agree to the broadcasters’ ‘final’ offer on TV debates in the run up to May’s election has been a great...


Lord Victor Adebowale

Victor is Chair of Social Enterprise UK and the NHS Confederation. He is also on the board of Collaborate CIC and Visionable and Leadership in...


Good Growth For Cities 2016

With a new government has come a renewed focus on supporting growth throughout the country and building an economy that works for everyone. And while...


Good Growth for Cities 2018

Improving skills levels and new business formation have been the key long-term drivers of city growth since the financial crisis, according to the seventh annual Demos-PwC Good...