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Listen and deliberate

We develop new ways to partner with the public to understand their priorities and to develop policy solutions, using blended models of deliberation, consultation and...


Ending Forced Marriage

Forced marriage is a hidden epidemic in the UK with an estimated 5,000 to 8,000 forced marriages every year. Around 41 per cent of victims...


An Open Conversation on Esol

In light of substantial cuts to Esol funding over the last five years, David Cameron’s commitment yesterday to providing an additional £20 million fund for...


Mohammed Aziz

Dr Mohammed Aziz, has worked as a teacher, policy officer and lawyer. He was the founding CEO/Director of the Forum Against Islamophobia & Racism (2000-3),...


Meet the Commissioners: Hetan Shah

Chief Executive of British Academy “The humanities and social sciences can provide us with the insights and imagination to shape a better future. This commission...