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Europe on the Brink?

On 15 June, in what felt at times like the dying days of empire, Demos brought together 20 leading experts on European politics, social and...


The ‘suicide app’

This morning, the Samaritans announced SamaritansRadar, a tool that flags social media content within your network that might indicate someone is vulnerable. The tool was...


Bottom-up public services

Yesterday, Ed Miliband set out his party’s vision for a more responsive, more accountable state. While he acknowledged the need for further cuts, it is also highly...


The Voter ID Scam

The recently passed Elections Bill means voters must now have to provide photo ID to vote, including in today’s local elections. The government says this...


Demos Daily: Duty of Care

Millions of employees were thrust into an extremely financially precarious position by the lockdown, and companies faced having to lay off much of their workforce....


Redefining Developmental Success

In 2016-17, Big Change and the think-tank Demos are working together to investigate this question and its implications for education and youth policy. The project...