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Resilient places

Towns, cities and landscapes are haunted by the ghosts of networks past. Disused railways, old routeways and quiet canals remain leftovers from the industry and commerce of yesteryear....


Taking Back Ctrl

If we learned anything from the surprise election results of 2016, it was that disaffected voters seemed keen to ‘take back control’ from elites.  But...


Civic streets

Just one week prior to the 2010 election, all three party leaders appeared at the Citizens UK convention to espouse their support for citizen action. The parties have...


Engaging mosques

This toolkit is a collection of ideas to increase youth participation in Britain’s mosques and Muslim communities. The ideas, developed by young Muslim women and...


Practice makes perfect

By April 2013, Primary Care Trusts (PCTs) will no longer exist. The model of health care brought in under New Labour has had its day...


The Voter ID Scam

The recently passed Elections Bill means voters must now have to provide photo ID to vote, including in today’s local elections. The government says this...