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What Next? Priorities for Britain

A nationally representative poll of over 10,000 people from Renew Normal: the People’s Commission on Life After COVID-19 has looked at the impact the pandemic...


Biddable Youth

By Josh Smith, Elliot Jones and Agnes Nairn Over a quarter of those engaging with esports betting tweets are children under the age of 16,...


Demos Daily: The Borrowers

The Government’s financial response to the current crisis is unprecedented.  Yet while many livelihoods have been protected in the short term, the long term economic...


Demos Daily: Tantrums and Tiaras

Once this is over, it’s not immediately obvious how we’ll look back on this time. There will be grief, certainly, for those we’ve lost, and...


The Anti-Social Network

On the question of multiculturalism and integration – despite some superficial differences – I think both the Labour and Conservative parties have a reasonably similar...


Capturing unmet needs

Demos has a long-standing interest in the social and financial impact of disability and health conditions. People living with serious health conditions can face a...