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Faithful providers

In the Open Public Services White Paper, the Government declared their intention to make public services more open, transparent and efficient by bringing in outside...


Rob Tester

Rob has 10 years of experience in the charity sector as an Operations Manager and Communications Consultant. He has been actively involved in fundraising for...


Max Leclerc

Intro paragraph – Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Feugiat fringilla et, tristique egestas rhoncus consequat. Body copy Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur...


Rachel’s Story: Close to Home

“Covid strips everything back.” For Rachel, lockdown has given her the time and space to think through what matters to her. Not having to commute...


An unpalatable truth

Figures released today by the Trussell Trust show that almost 1 million food parcels – 913,138 – were handed out by its food bank network in the...