Demos Daily: 10 Today


In times like these, we all want to make a difference.  And it’s amazing when we can.  By partnering with the BBC, we hope to help thousands more people keep moving, stay healthy, and live better lives.

Today we launched a new partnership with the BBC, to take our Sport England funded pilot programme focused on increasing activity among older people to a national audience.  Physical inactivity in later life was already a problem – costing the NHS in the region of £92 million a year.  But now, with government advice clearly telling older people to stay at home, it’s even harder to solve.  Inspired by Japan’s Radio Taiso, Demos designed, built and evaluated 10 Today – a series of ten, ten minute exercise programmes led by 73-year-old Terry Keen.  Our evaluation showed that by doing three sessions a week, participants felt a range of benefits, including improved mood and sleep patterns, better balance, fewer aches, pains, and improved joint problems.

Read our report on active aging with Anchor Hanover here, and watch Terry in action below.